VPD x Go Forest

Every second counts…Because every minute, 27 football pitches of forest disappear. 

That's why at VPD, we are extremely proud and happy to join the Go Forest project. The slogan "Let's plan(t) the future together" does not only mean planting the right trees in the right place.

Deforestation is a major issue that affects us all, and Go Forest is working every day to find a solution. For the organisation, the focus is on behavioural change, and they want to address the issues behind soil damage and deforestation. It is important that everyone gets involved in order to have a positive impact.

Sustainable entrepreneurship is about doing business with the future in mind, but more importantly it is about doing business sustainably. Go Forest issues digital certificates based on timestamps recorded on their blockchain via an application. The issued certificate can be certified as legitimate and shows the exact date and time of creation. The application also records the number of trees which have been planted, the period, and the relevant SDGs impacted (Sustainable Development Goals).

Every month, 100 trees will be planted thanks to us. As a Rainmaker partner of the program, we are making our contribution towards a better world for tomorrow.

Are you interested? Would you like to know more? Please contact @Dirk Van Peteghem, VPD's sustainability manager, who is extremely well informed about this project!


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